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Friday, May 12, 2006
It's Two Bare Feet On The Dashboard
So, it's summertime. The end of school was fine. It ended and that is the important part. My grades were fine but definately not my best semester at UK. I don't know how I did that this year, have the best semester and my worst back to back. Eww. I just hate it. I'm currently looking for a job. Not too much fun. But, let's face it...I could use some cash. I'm leaning towards not taking a class this summer. It's just almost too much. And I don't really have the money to pay for it. My parents, with my mother like *this close* to quitting her job don't have it either. Well, as long as we continue with the plan to hit up Florida next month. I'm liking the idea of not taking it. My mom has yet to be informed but I'm waiting for the perfect moment to spring it on her. We'll see how it goes.

I've been playing with my blog design. I want something cuter, but I really have no idea how to do it on my own. I like this template though. I wanted something a bit darker and bigger print because it's easier on my eyes. I'm just glad I managed to get my flickr badge and my blogroll on here. Major accomplishment.

I have decided that I want to be a writer though. I used to be more set on it. Won a lot of awards for writing in elementary school and did some good stuff in middle school. Then I sort of gave it up in high school. I want to get back into that world. I'm throwing around novel ideas. Perhaps I'll start something this summer. I am also leaning more towards print journalism than broadcast. This is huge!! Something I'm sure many people have seen coming for a very long time. But, please don't tell me you did and act surprised anyway. I really want to be a travel writer. Have a newspaper publication pay me to travel and write about it. That would be so awesome! I think this is an interesting corner to be turning but I'm excited at the prospect of it all!


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